Behind Blue Eyes

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Friday, August 12, 2005

Head Over Heels... Sort of!

A few weeks ago I attended a pool party at a friends house. Waiting my turn for the diving board, my friend (who was standing on the diving board) turned to me and said, “I really want to try a flip”. “Try it”, I said “I used to do them off the side of the pool all the time.” After assessing that situation we decided the diving board was a better option and that I should I go first. I stepped up to the diving board with all the confidence of someone who knows they can accomplish what they are about to do… I jumped high off the diving board and landed square on my back into the water… did I mention the last time I tried this stunt I was 15!

Yes my friends, the memory of being able to do it wasn’t nearly as clear for my body as it was my mind. Naturally that didn’t stop me from giving it a few more tries, but alas I think it might be better for me to just hold onto the memory!

It’s these little moments that teach you what time is really counting – distance. The distance between now and then!

I’d love to hear your own stories of this realization. You know, that moment when a teenager looks at you and says, “I really like that coat… my mom has one just like it.”

Reading Picks:
I’m still really into mysteries… good mysteries. They are perfect for summer reading. My recommendation this month is for Patricia Highsmith, author of The Talented Mr. Ripley and many other Ripley stories.