Behind Blue Eyes

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Why do you keep calling me?

Why are some telemarketers unbelievably horrible at their job?

A few months ago I got a call AT WORK asking me if I’d like a quote for health insurance.
“Yeah, sure” I said, after all who isn’t looking to reduce their monthly costs. I gave the caller a few details, hung up and started calling other companies to do a little research on my own.

The other day the original company calls. Immediately a booming voice comes across my speaker.
“Hi this is (so and so) from (so and so), what is your marriage status? And how old are you?”
“Weird way of asking me out” I say with a polite little laugh.

Its important to be nice to people just doing their job. I feel hanging up on a telemarkers is as rude as not leaving a tip in a restaurant. So I always give them a shot.

“I’m calling to provide you with a health insurance quote” he says
“Oh, I’m not interested” I say “But thanks for calling”
“Well it says here you’re expecting our call, if you could just tell me what your marriage status is? And how old you are? I can provide you with the information promised a few weeks ago.” he says
“Thanks for calling, but we’re not interested. We went with someone last week” I say, a little stern, but calm.
“So I guess you don’t want us to save you some money?” he says a little too sharp, as if he couldn’t believe what I was saying.
“That would have been nice, if you’d have gotten back to me at least two weeks after your original call, I’m busy and I don’t have time to discuss this further. Thank you for calling.” I say
“You don’t want us to save you money?” He says again curtly. And this is where I lost it.
“Thanks for calling, goodbye”

Who trains these people? I hope the call was being recorded for quality assurance. The most important part of sales is to LISTEN… you can’t sell me something I don’t need… And you’re not going to cop a feel… of my wallet with that attitude!

For the record I didn’t hang up, the phone slipped out of my hand and onto it’s cradle. But I left my last waitress a hefty tip. Karma you know!

Recommended Reading:
I read two books this month that will haunt me forever. Both focus on the lives of children growing up in their own world a few decades ago...
A Prayer for Owen Meaning, John Irving
The Way the Crow Flies, Ann Marie MacDonald

Friday, May 06, 2005


From a wanna-be mom on mother's day

I love projects! I love planning out all the details and organizing the who's and the what's. I enjoy reading everything I can about my latest interest and I love sharing everything I learn with my friends. I'm skilled at note taking and a master of the to-do list. So when we starting planning for a baby I was surprised to learn that getting pregnant isn't always as easy as our high school teachers led us to believe. In fact it can take a lot more than planning, it can take a miracle.

The minute I started thinking about wanting a child I found myself surrounded by pregnant women. First it was just the women at the grocery story, then it spread to my friends and now when I leave the house - I see them everywhere.

My friends tell me that the minute I find out I'm pregnant my world will change and my head will fill with "crazy" thoughts and ideas. Right now I'm hoping that all the magic of my mother's knowledge will pass onto me. Like most of my friends, when I was very young I thought mom knew everything. When I was a teenager I thought mom knew nothing Now every time I try to fold a fitted bed sheet I think she is a genius.

My mom is my hero! She is fearless in the pursuit of things that amuse her, and I love that about her. Her glass is always half full, she always sees the silver lining and she never takes herself too seriously. She is a shining example of what I hope to be.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Recommended Reading:
In honor of my mother's maiden name, No Great Mischief by Alistair MacLeod
For those fellow wannabes,
Belly Laughs - The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth by Jenny McCarthy