Behind Blue Eyes

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Two Pink Lines

This has been a hard blog to write, although I find myself an open book when it comes to my opinions… when describing my personal feelings words seem to elude me. And that’s exactly what these last 3 months have been, a journey through a vast array of emotions. When we decided we wanted a child of our own we started on a very humbling path. We learned quickly that you can plan all you want, but Mother Nature is going to decide when the time is right and for that you just have to wait. Maybe that’s the first lessons in parenting… you really don’t have control over everything!

It’s hard to believe how much rides on seeing two little pink lines in a tiny display window but the world stops when you do. I remember thinking to myself (as it was very early in the morning) not to wake Jeff, but I promptly walked into the bedroom and said “hey wake up, we’re pregnant!” Seeing those two pink lines was a shock, like winning the lottery… you may play every week but who expects to win! It was truly amazing to stand in the very moment when I realized all my dreams had come true.

Right now I’m about to start my second trimester and feel fantastic. I’m blessed and haven’t had any morning sickness. I am however; constantly amazed at the amount of fluid my body is able to process, especially during the night. Getting enough sleep is near impossible but lately I find my energy picking up and I’m looking forward to fixing up the baby’s room. Jeff endures 1st class mood swings and I endure all the horror stories and advice that comes my way – I feel its an even trade!

They say by the start of the second trimester your body adjusts to all the raging hormones and the next three months are for gaining weight. I won’t have a problem there. I’m hungry all the time. It’s a funny kind of hunger it almost hurts! As for cravings I don’t have much of that – I’m sort of having anti cravings. I used to love and enjoy 3 cans of diet coke every day and now I’m not interested. I did experience one craving though, and I’m sad to say it turned me into a mad woman. I looked at Jeff one night and said, “I need a frozen chicken pot pie!” I hadn’t had one in years, I didn’t even know if they still sold them but off I went to the local grocery. I walked in the main doors, looked at the cashier and yelled, “Where is your frozen food section?” I started to panic when I walked by 3 freezers with no pies and then a burst of light came from the heavens (or maybe it was the florescent lights) and there it was, a .79-cent frozen chicken potpie. I swear I’ve never eaten anything that tasted so good.

In case you’re wondering:
§ The only natural birth I’m planning is one where my bikini line doesn’t get shaved, you can hook me up to the pain relief as soon as my toes start to curl
§ We don’t know the sex of the baby, but plan to find out around the 20th week.
§ The names we picked out are Wesley Ernest (boy) and Peyton Ann (girl)
§ We are taking our last hurrah as a couple to Paris and London this fall
§ The due date is April 16-19th

Other than that I’ll have to keep you posted!